Jarod and I have made the choice to raise Ava to love the Lord. We choose to model Christ's love in our marriage and family life. We are the ones that hold the biggest example in her life and to show her what a strong relationship with Christ looks like.. Our church does what is called Parent Child Dedication for families that have children two years old or younger to celebrate the new addition to the family and to celebrate God’s story for the family and see how each member has a role to play in guiding their family towards living in relationship with Jesus. We had Ava's dedication last Sunday. It was a wonderful service. We had both of our families there to support us. Ava wasn't feeling to well that day because she is getting her two top teeth. Which as led to stomach problems and a very fussy and sad baby.
I loved Ava's outfit. I found it off of Castle and Crowns and ordered to bloomers from Etsy.
We had a little party after the service at our house
I went with a simple pink and white theme for the party. It really started with the color of her dress.
The cake is from The Cupcake Shoppe in downtown Raleigh. It was so good! I called them and told them what I wanted and they exceeded my expectations. They are so easy to work with and do a great job. Plus they were super sweet!
Hey it's the south it's not a party with out tons of food.
The church gave each child a bible and CD and my parents gave Ava this special box full of little keepsake containers and This beautiful little white bible that has a sweet poem and explains that it will be used on her wedding day in her bouquet which of course made me cry.

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